
2 12, 2019

DC days. And now, it’s cold

By |2023-02-07T00:07:06+00:00December 2, 2019|DC, husband-and-wife, Rouda, Washington DC|Comments Off on DC days. And now, it’s cold

Sure, Southern California has perfect weather. So why, you may ask, are you in Washington, DC when it’s gearing up for winter? Good question. The answer is, of course, I like to be with my husband and his new job finds him in DC quite often. Also, there are so many fabulous INDOOR things to do in this wonderful American treasure that I can almost pretend like it’s fine outside. Our apartment is in this fabulous neighborhood on Capitol Hill that gets all decked out for the upcoming holidays. So, yes, it’s brisk. But it’s also always exciting here in the nation’s capitol. When is the last time you visited? Put it on your bucket list. And when you do, take my advice and wait for spring. Stay warm out there!  

21 08, 2008

Spouse and Business Partner: Making it Work

By |2023-02-07T02:18:21+00:00August 21, 2008|husband-and-wife, Life Lessons, Real Living, Real You, spouse|Comments Off on Spouse and Business Partner: Making it Work

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. At Real Living, my husband is the CEO, and I’m the president. Being a husband-and-wife team has its ups and downs, but for the most part, it’s a great opportunity. You’re sharing your business success with the same person you plan to spend the rest of your life with. But the road can be bumpy if you don’t take the time to define your individual roles. Determine from the get-go who has the final say on decisions and who’s responsible for various functions in the company. That’s a must. Then there’s the issue of financial and emotional risk. When you’re both involved, that obviously increases. But there’s an awesome tradeoff that you simply can’t ignore: When everything is running smoothly, it’s doubly rewarding—and you’ll be able to enjoy that together. Do you have [...]

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