“A thriller about grief, loss, and memory that will hit you right in the heart.” ~ Bustle

By |2023-02-07T00:07:42+00:00March 1, 2019|The Favorite Daughter novel|Comments Off on “A thriller about grief, loss, and memory that will hit you right in the heart.” ~ Bustle

Beyond thrilled to report that, in addition to the fabulous STARRED review in Publishers Weekly last week -- "An exceptional psychological thriller from Rouda .... Suspense fans will be amply rewarded." -- THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER was featured on Bustle with an exclusive excerpt! You can read the entire piece here. A sampling for you below: EXCERPT: The Favorite Daughter SUNDAY THE NIGHT BEFORE 6:30 p.m. “I loved you, Mary.” “Who are you talking to?” David materializes behind me. He thinks he snuck up on me but I heard him coming. I see the judgment in his dark blue eyes as he shakes his head. “Nobody.” We lock eyes. He looks at the photo in my hands and I know he thinks I’m talking to myself. Another “creepy” habit of mine, as he says. I place the photo back where it belongs. He’s changing in the closet. [...]