
9 07, 2010

Real You: What’s shaking?

By |2023-02-07T00:17:06+00:00July 9, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: What’s shaking?

Yes, I was. During the 5.4 magnitude earthquake - the first such experience of my life. Just me, and the dog, and a house rolling like we'd just set sail on rough seas. And yes, it was quick, but it didn't seem like it. My mild earthquake experience jolted me into realizing - again - that we don't know what's coming, but we can do our best to be prepared for it. Myself, I froze instead of heading to a reinforced doorway. (Very disappointing.) Next time, I hope to do better. The quake also made me realize - again - that even though it is summer, and it could be easy to not work as hard or not write this blog or not pursue my dream, I need to keep moving forward. Don't let the season lull or dull your passion. Be ready to move, [...]

1 07, 2010

Real You: A summer to celebrate

By |2023-02-07T00:17:16+00:00July 1, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: A summer to celebrate

With all the celebrations you're planning for the July 4th weekend and more, don't forget to celebrate all you've accomplished so far this year. Take a moment - you deserve it - and realize all you've done. And, if you're feeling stuck, or rudderless, take this time to figure out why. This book can help! Summer gives us a break in routine. A reason to go outside more, to smile, to share. But if you're not taking advantage of all that summer offers - if you're overscheduled, overwhelmed - figure out why and change it now! Summer is here. It's time to celebrate. And it's a great time to be sure the Real You enjoys every moment!

8 06, 2010

Real You: Passion Poppers

By |2023-02-07T00:17:19+00:00June 8, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Passion Poppers

You recognize passion when you see it, don't you? It's that sparkle in a person's eye, the spring in her step. Passionate people exude pure, real energy. Confidence and a sense of empowerment. Everything they say is infused with enthusiasm. We all recognize it - and hopefully - we all want passion in our lives. Unfortunately, the road to finding and remaining true to your passions is littered with the realities of life. Disappointments and setbacks abound, no matter your age, no matter whether there is a recession or not. (Although, it's especially true today.) Disappointment is a fact of life. These events hurt our hearts and dampen our fire. Did you know Lucille Ball was kicked out of acting school and told she had no talent? True. But she didn't let that hurt keep her down, or dampen her passion for acting. So if [...]

28 04, 2010

Real You: The secret to sanity and moving

By |2023-02-07T00:17:24+00:00April 28, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The secret to sanity and moving

Recently, we moved. You would think, being in residential real estate all of these years, I would realize how taxing a move is...and well, I did. In theory. In reality, moving is horrible. If you are in the process of it, I feel for you. After two weeks of the process, my only secret to sanity is this: cherish the ability to find little treasures buried and uncovered through the process. And then, get back to those boxes!

22 03, 2010

Real You: Live like you’re dying

By |2023-02-07T00:18:18+00:00March 22, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Live like you’re dying

This morning, near where I live, two women were struck by cars as they walked along the road to their bus stop. One woman died of her injuries. Just like that. My teenage daughter pulled out of the driveway last week and suddenly found herself crashed into a tree (nobody was hurt, just the car and the tree). Just like that. A moment can change everything. Moments do change everything. Live today to the fullest, soak up the sun when it shines and be thankful for your blessings. It's hard, with all you do. I know. Living in the moment, thankfully for today, sometimes seems a luxury. But, it's our choice to be happy, to treasure moments. Now, look around you and smile.

3 03, 2010

Real You: The power of words

By |2023-02-07T00:18:28+00:00March 3, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The power of words

As Real Living and GMAC Real Estate brokers and agents embrace and connect across the country, new relationships are being developed through the power of words. Brand. Red. Real. Technology. Partnering. Power. Real estate. Together. Vision. Future. Success. All of those words and more are being used by a dedicated team to bring two great organizations together. And it's going great! More and more companies are becoming Real Living and the momentum is spreading across the U.S. What's it like at your company? Beyond the basic words of sales, beyond the words of marketing, or services you deliver to your team and ultimately your customers, a most powerful, unspoken word is most often at the heart of all decisions. At the base level of how all other words - and actions - are interpreted is TRUST. Trust is defined as: reliance on the integrity, strength, [...]

2 03, 2010

Real You: If you snark, make sure you’re right

By |2023-02-07T00:18:40+00:00March 2, 2010|small business, snarks, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: If you snark, make sure you’re right

Ok, let's face it. Not everyday is sunshine and puppies and ice cream. Somedays, it's just one of those days. You've gotta snark. But if it is one of those snark days for you, make sure you don't turn it into one of those days for someone else - UNLESS she deserves it! Here's the story. A communications person from an organization that I respect - that will remain nameless because I like most everyone associated with it and what it stands for - emailed me today to tell me I was being replaced on a panel coming up during New York Entrepreneur Week in April due to lack of payment of my dues. Now, I didn't know until two weeks ago that dues were, well, due. I found that out when I checked my spam filter - I've mentioned my new Canadian spam filter [...]

10 02, 2010

Real You: Amazon lists, oh my!

By |2023-02-07T00:18:44+00:00February 10, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Amazon lists, oh my!

Here's the thing: once your write and publish a book these days, for some length of time, if you're like me, you become fixated by Amazon.com. Yikes - what number is my book today? Today, at this moment, I'm #9 in women's studies, #18 in marketing and 68 in women in business. But, by the time you look, it will have changed. That's the constant today, right? Change. Might as well embrace it and try not to get fixated on things you can't control! Yes, I'm working on learning that lesson every day!

4 02, 2010

Real You: It’s tough out there, but stay true to you

By |2023-02-07T00:18:52+00:00February 4, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: It’s tough out there, but stay true to you

I just watched the Personal Branding segment on The Today Show and while I respect anybody who goes on national television and helps motivate folks to articulate their personal brands, I did worry about his message. On the segment, an author and branding expert seemed to encouraged people to figure out a gimmick - wearing black, like he does - or changing yourself to help people remember you. I'm all for the five senses of branding, but to make yourself memorable, it must start with the real you. Have you taken the time to reflect? When's the last time you wrote your story? For many of us today, personal branding is falling by the wayside as we scramble for another job, another consulting gig or the like. Personal branding isn't about gimmicks. Personal branding is understanding and articulating your unique personal brand and then conveying [...]

27 01, 2010

Real You: You know the universe is conspiring against you when . . .

By |2023-02-07T00:18:58+00:00January 27, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: You know the universe is conspiring against you when . . .

Ok, if you subscribe to my Tip of The Week (which you should as it's free, and oh so enlightening), you know I fell out of the bleachers at my son's basketball game and fractured my sacram. Yes, embarassing and very painful. My yoga teacher says the universe was telling me to slow down - which now I must as all I can do is stand, briefly, or stay on the couch. I'm still awaiting the universe's clear message, but in lieu of that, the mail came today. All junk, except for my AARP membership card. Now, I will be very happy to join AARP when the time is right, but I promise, I am not 50 years old yet. Sure, I have an artificial knee and a broken back, but truly, how did THEY know that? Nowhere on my invitation to membership does it [...]

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