
6 05, 2014

IN THE MIRROR book release whirlwind of fun!

By |2023-02-06T23:49:06+00:00May 6, 2014|book|Comments Off on IN THE MIRROR book release whirlwind of fun!

It's been such a blast watching IN THE MIRROR arrive in the world - and I'm so excited about the positive reviews the novel has been receiving! I thought I'd give you a little roundup of where you can find me this week, some cool contests you can enter to win a copy and a couple of reviews that made me smile! So here you have it...the week (almost) in review! And please, if you have read IN THE MIRROR, let me know! And if you liked/loved it, please leave a review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! It really means a lot, and helps other people find the novel!! Blog appearances and contests: I had the honor of kicking off International Chick Lit Month with a post about a day in the Life of Me! You might find it fun to read! Over on Jane [...]

17 04, 2011

Real You: Down to the wire and out to the world

By |2023-02-07T00:10:30+00:00April 17, 2011|passions, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Down to the wire and out to the world

     Have you ever worked on something for a decade or more? Something so important to you that your dreams, hopes and wishes are one with the project. I have. It happened as we created and built Real Living Real Estate, and it's happening again, now, as I launch my debut novel into the world.      Just like Real Living, my novel isn't for everybody. But I hope most people who pick it up and give it a read will like it. But all I can do is send it out to the world, knowing I did my best.

8 01, 2010

Real You: New Year, Real You

By |2023-02-07T00:19:13+00:00January 8, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: New Year, Real You

How's the first week of the New Year been treating you? If you're like a lot of people, you started the week with the best of intentions and resolutions. And by now, perhaps, you're feeling as if you've failed. Maybe you didn't stick strictly to the diet or perhaps you didn't quit smoking. But you know what? It's ok. Defining yourslf - and your self worth - by New Year's Resolutions is a dangerous and ultimately, for most people, a negative exercise. Instead, let's tackle this year by defining your unique personal brand. The you who you are - who you always have been - and putting that to work in the world. You are unique. But you knew thaat. Did you also know you are uniquely marketable? You just need to learn how to express your unique personal brand as a Real marketable business [...]

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