Real You: Exciting news to share!
My third novel, IN THE MIRROR, will be published on May 1st! I'm excited to share it with you and will be able to reveal the cover very soon. For those of you who have waited for this for a year - yes, 2013 was a transition year for me full of floods, and moves, and graduations, and more - thank you!I hope you'll find IN THE MIRROR to be worth the wait! As the publication date gets closer I will let you know about some fun contests and other events I have planned to celebrate with you. Here's what New York Times bestselling author Tracey Garvis Graves says about IN THE MIRROR: "Emotionally gripping and heart-achingly beautiful, this novel will make you think about what's truly important." I very much hope you'll agree! Thank you for reading my work! It means so much! Hopefully, [...]