Kaira Rouda

6 05, 2014

IN THE MIRROR book release whirlwind of fun!

By |2023-02-06T23:49:06+00:00May 6, 2014|book|Comments Off on IN THE MIRROR book release whirlwind of fun!

It's been such a blast watching IN THE MIRROR arrive in the world - and I'm so excited about the positive reviews the novel has been receiving! I thought I'd give you a little roundup of where you can find me this week, some cool contests you can enter to win a copy and a couple of reviews that made me smile! So here you have it...the week (almost) in review! And please, if you have read IN THE MIRROR, let me know! And if you liked/loved it, please leave a review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! It really means a lot, and helps other people find the novel!! Blog appearances and contests: I had the honor of kicking off International Chick Lit Month with a post about a day in the Life of Me! You might find it fun to read! Over on Jane [...]

8 04, 2014


By |2023-02-06T23:49:25+00:00April 8, 2014|attitude|Comments Off on Anticipation.

It's that time of year. Anticipation is in the air. Some of us watch and marvel at the first buds of spring, anticipating the glorious flowers to appear. Others, like my high school son, anxiously await spring break to arrive this Friday. It's of course, the time for Easter and Passover. And for many authors, it's the time when new books are released. Including mine. I was trying to explain the feeling I have inside, the anxiety surrounding a new release and it's hard to explain to someone who isn't in the creative field. But for those of us who are, you get it. It's unveiling the work of art for the first time, playing your new song in front of a live crowd for the first time, that butterfly inducing, fingernail biting feeling.  And sure, reviews are already appearing, so I'm already getting accustomed [...]

3 03, 2014

Real You: Cover reveal! IN THE MIRROR is coming out May 1st!

By |2023-02-06T23:49:32+00:00March 3, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Cover reveal! IN THE MIRROR is coming out May 1st!

Goodreads Book Giveaway In the Mirror by Kaira Rouda Giveaway ends April 30, 2014. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win And to celebrate, my publisher is hosting a Goodreads Book Giveaway! Enter to win by clicking the link, or simply hop over to Goodreads and search giveaways! I'd really appreciate it if you'd add the book to your To Read list! Soon, I'll have more information for pre-ordering - but in the meantime, here is your chance to enter to win a copy for free! What's IN THE MIRROR all about, you ask? The novel revolves around a simple question: If you knew you might die soon, what choices would you make? Jennifer Benson has it all: a successful career, a perfect husband, two kids and abundant friendships. The only problem is she may be dying. IN THE MIRROR is the realistic [...]

27 01, 2014

Real You: Exciting news to share!

By |2023-02-06T23:49:42+00:00January 27, 2014|book, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Exciting news to share!

My third novel, IN THE MIRROR, will be published on May 1st! I'm excited to share it with you and will be able to reveal the cover very soon. For those of you who have waited for this for a year - yes, 2013 was a transition year for me full of floods, and moves, and graduations, and more - thank you!I hope you'll find IN THE MIRROR to be worth the wait! As the publication date gets closer I will let you know about some fun contests and other events I have planned to celebrate with you. Here's what New York Times bestselling author Tracey Garvis Graves says about IN THE MIRROR: "Emotionally gripping and heart-achingly beautiful, this novel will make you think about what's truly important." I very much hope you'll agree! Thank you for reading my work! It means so much! Hopefully, [...]

8 10, 2013

Real You: The long haul

By |2023-02-06T23:50:07+00:00October 8, 2013|Uncategorized, write|Comments Off on Real You: The long haul

That's what I'm reminding myself as I sit down to write this post - finally - after a several-month-long writer's block. It's about the long haul, the sum total of what you've done to make a difference in the world, and not about any one period of muck. Or drought. Or in my case, a flood, followed by a move, followed by a huge asthma attack due to the sealant used on the roads in my neighborhood, followed by a massive construction project RIGHT NEXT STORE that has been in full force every day since we moved into the new house at the beginning of April, just after the flood in our new home. How's that for a sentence? To me, it felt good to finally write because during this time, this time of unsettlement, I haven't been able to write, at least not very [...]

30 06, 2013

Real You: Welcome Author Meg Waite Clayton

By |2023-02-06T23:50:18+00:00June 30, 2013|author interview, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Welcome Author Meg Waite Clayton

I'm so excited to welcome my friend, the New York Times bestselling author Meg Waite Clayton who is celebrating the publication of her newest novel, The Wednesday Daughters, to my blog.  Below Meg explains the history of her writing career - and her firm belief in the comfort of writing friends. Take it away, Meg: The history of my own writing starts with a purse. Like the character of Linda in my novel, The Wednesday Sisters, my first writing teacher—at a college extension class—dumped hers out over the table and told us to write for five minutes about anything that spilled out. Ok, wait. The truth, if memory serves, is that my first writing teacher actually brought a brown paper lunch bag full of interesting things. The purse is fiction. But you get the idea. And perhaps I should say I was well into my 30s by [...]

21 03, 2013

Real You: A moving experience

By |2023-02-06T23:51:02+00:00March 21, 2013|aha, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: A moving experience

We all have certain talents - and certain, shall we say, challenges. Well, I'll readily admit one of my biggest deficits is organization - or lack thereof! So, the fact we've moved as a family four times since the fall of 2009 is remarkable. Remarkable that we've stuck together and remarkable that I can find anything, anywhere. And, why am I writing about this you ask? We're moving AGAIN! So with the impending, looming process I thought I'd take a moment to share the top five things I've learned during my last four years of a very moving experience: Lesson 1: You cannot control anything. You can plan, make checklists, plan some more - but when the big day comes, it arrives with all the mistakes, broken dishes and chipped treasures that are part of being human. Lesson 2: Moving is a great time for reflection. I [...]

23 01, 2013

Real You: So about those New Year resolutions . . .

By |2023-02-06T23:51:12+00:00January 23, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: So about those New Year resolutions . . .

I used to make a resolution, or several, each year New Year. I know many of you do, too. Unfortunately, this is about the time, the end of January, when those resolutions go bust. My theory. Don't make them and then you can't break them. Don't get me wrong. I'm all about goal setting, and I'm really trying to up my cardio exercise intake this year even with my compete disdain of any type of sweat. But it's not a New Year's resolution. Nope. It's a fitness commitment. Oh, and I've joined a meditation group, too, but that's just something I've wanted to try. Ok, well, maybe there is a link between the new year and trying some new things. I just prefer to give myself the gift of less pressure than a failed resolution. I'm going to try new things this year. Some I'll stick [...]

21 12, 2012

99 authors, 99 books, 99 cents! Plus, a $500 prize! Today only!

By |2023-02-06T23:51:31+00:00December 21, 2012|giveaway|Comments Off on 99 authors, 99 books, 99 cents! Plus, a $500 prize! Today only!

These prices are available on Amazon only. I'm so happy ALL THE DIFFERENCE is included in this fun selection of books. Happy shopping and don't miss your chance to win some of the $990 worth of prizes! For a listing of books offered and to enter to win, click here!!  

11 12, 2012

Naughty or Nice Holiday Giveaway! Winner Announced!

By |2023-02-06T23:51:42+00:00December 11, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Naughty or Nice Holiday Giveaway! Winner Announced!

It's the most wonderful time of the year! And to celebrate, we've asked two of our favorite leading ladies - Kelly from HERE, HOME, HOPE - and Ellen from ALL THE DIFFERENCE - to select prizes they'd love to receive. Ellen, representing the devious women of Grandville, selected some Naughty gifts - Arsenic perfume, a Black Swan Ornament, a Journal to write about her secret lives, a Swarm of Bees candle and more. Kelly, representing the happier women of Grandville, selected an assortment of Nice presents for you including Rosewater perfume, a handblown White swan ornament, a journal to record your good deeds, a pure white soy candle and more. To enter, leave a comment or enter via Rafflecopter here or on my Facebook Author Page! UPDATE: WINNER ANNOUNCED! Emerald Barnes is the winner of the Naughty & Nice Giveaway! Thank you to all of you who entered! More exciting giveaways and events are coming - as [...]

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