Kaira Rouda

21 11, 2012

Real You: So much to be thankful for, especially you!

By |2023-02-07T00:04:53+00:00November 21, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: So much to be thankful for, especially you!

It's that time of year, when we all reflect on our blessings. As an author, finally putting my passion into action and having the career of my dreams, I am sure of one thing - your support makes all the difference. With each book or short story, I've been thrilled by the response from long-time friends, and new friends alike. I'm so grateful my novels have resonated with you, and that you are looking forward to the next. Who could ask for anything more? But there is more. Always. My family. A week ago, my daughter's college house burned down. She lived there with 8 other girls, and thankfully, none of them were home when the fire started. It moved quickly and the damage was enormous. She lost everything - possessions, clothes, computer, photos - but she is safe. And really, that's what matters as [...]

1 09, 2012

Real You: Transitions

By |2023-02-07T00:05:14+00:00September 1, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Transitions

Labor Day weekend is such a bitter-sweet time, at least for me. I find myself lamenting the upcoming structures of fall and winter. With the kids' school and sports and activities schedule back in full swing in less than a week, those sweet sleep-in days of summer will be just a memory.But, with every seasonal transition comes that time for growth and renewal. It's also a great time for me to recommit to projects I've pushed aside and to reconnect with friends. It's also - ironically - when my book tour begins for my latest novel, ALL THE DIFFERENCE. And that is exciting! I'll post the tour soon, but here I come Columbus (September 20th), Cincinnati (September 21st) and Laguna Beach (September 30th). Transitions are tough sometimes. Make sure you have things to look forward to - like a book tour, or a new project. [...]

10 07, 2012

Real You: Passages

By |2023-02-07T00:05:27+00:00July 10, 2012|family members, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Passages

My father-in-law, Harley E. Rouda Sr., died last Thursday. He lived a great life, accomplished so much, raised four kids, started a business that still survives today and, he loved to laugh. What's more, he was a trailblazer who welcomed women into management positions in the real estate industry long before most others. My husband and his dad were incredibly close - a type of bond you hope for between a father and son, a kid and a parent. But you know what else? He also was incredibly close to my children. He was a great grandfather to our four kids. Present, loving, giving, teasing, laughing. He was there and they knew it. Unfortunately, my children were too young to remember their great grandparents before they died. So this, their beloved grandpa was the first person they loved who passed away. First funeral. First memorial service. [...]

1 06, 2012

Real You: Great summer reads!

By |2023-02-07T00:05:39+00:00June 1, 2012|authors, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Great summer reads!

I just love it when authors work together to support each other and that's the case with a new Facebook women's fiction writers group I'm involved with! The women are all amazing - and amazing story tellers. So, if you're looking for a great read this summer, consider one of these! You won't be disappointed! Available NOW: Lisa Wingate's BLUE MOON BAY Kaira Rouda's ALL THE DIFFERENCE (yes, that's by me) Heather Barbieri's THE COTTAGE AT GLASS BEACH Camille Noe Pagán's THE ART OF FORGETTING (paperback) Coming Soon! Claire Cook's WALLFLOWER IN BLOOM Mia March's THE MERYL STREEP MOVIE CLUB Amy Hatvany's THE LANGUAGE OF SISTERS (w/sneak peek of HEART LIKE MINE) Margaret Dilloway's THE CARE AND HANDLING OF ROSES WITH THORNS Laurie Frankel GOODBYE FOR NOW Sarah McCoy's THE BAKER'S DAUGHTER (paperback) Marisa de los Santos's FALLING TOGETHER (paperback) You really cannot go wrong [...]

11 05, 2012

Real You: My mom

By |2023-02-07T00:06:02+00:00May 11, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: My mom

It's not like the only time I think of my mom is on Mother's Day. I'm lucky, I think, because we talk at least every other day on the telephone. I hope you have a great relationship with your mom. It's a blessing, I know, because I also know so many people who don't, or can't. If you want to know more about my mom, here's how I would describe her:  My mom has a smile that lights up a room. She is able, with a single grin, to make babies stop crying (it’s true), disarm a grumpy teenager, comfort a friend who is feeling down and – this isn’t proven – but I think her smile is what fuels her green thumb. You should see her garden. Growing up, I watched her smile in action and reflected in its comfort and glow. Today, because of my mom, I [...]

9 05, 2012

RealYou: A Mother’s Day Gift for You

By |2023-02-07T00:06:16+00:00May 9, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on RealYou: A Mother’s Day Gift for You

To celebrate Mother's Day - and our mutual love of books and reading - I am giving away 10 copies of my first short story, A MOTHER'S DAY. To enter, all you need to do is email me - Kaira - at - KairaRouda.com - and let me know you're interested. The contest is open until Monday, May 14! Good luck! And, as a bonus, ALL THE DIFFERENCE - eBook version - price is now $2.99 in celebration of moms, summer and all things wonderful and bright. (But remember, this book is sexy, suburban, suspense - so not as bright as HERE, HOME, HOPE!) Good luck to all! And if you're a mother, please have a wonderful Mother's Day!  

2 05, 2012

Real You: The treasures that matter in the vaults of life

By |2023-02-07T00:06:25+00:00May 2, 2012|aha|Comments Off on Real You: The treasures that matter in the vaults of life

The truth is, I'm not having a great time with this move. We were relocated due to my husband's job - suddenly - over Thanksgiving and picked a place to live quickly, and for a short-term lease. Now, it's up and we're off. Two things. It's hard to move - for a short-term - a family of six with two dogs and piles of stuff. It's even harder to move - again - five months later. Second, I've found I'm practicing for empty nesting. I am letting go. I am a natural pack rat, and when the vaults - yes they call them vaults - of stuff we had in storage from two moves ago pulled up on a semi-truck in front of the new house, I wanted to tell them the driver he had the wrong address. Clearly, I didn't need the vault contents [...]

16 04, 2012

Real You: The 7-7-7 Challenge! How fun!

By |2023-02-07T00:06:39+00:00April 16, 2012|author interview, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The 7-7-7 Challenge! How fun!

I was tagged by the delightful author Cathleen Holst to participate in the 7-7-7 Challenge which gives readers a sneak peek at some of their favorite authors' latest works! Here are the rules: 1. Go to page 77 of your work-in-progress or latest book. 2. Count down 7 lines. 3. Copy 7 sentences that follow and post them. 4. Tag 7 other authors Here are the seven lines from page 77 of ALL THE DIFFERENCE: "Lyle, Janet called." "Cool. Is she OK?" "She's fine." "So great. I'm sort of in the middle of something, um, do you want me to call you back later or -" Maddie hung up on him, imagining him turning his attention back to whatever was more important than her. "Lyle has the depth of a rock. A flat skipping rock," Maddie said to Ellen, who answered Francis's line. "Forget about [...]

17 03, 2012

Real You: Are you pinning yet?

By |2023-02-07T00:06:49+00:00March 17, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Are you pinning yet?

I have to admit - I'm hooked on Pinterest. I bet, if you try it, you will be, too. It's such a fun way to visualize your dreams, share quotes, favorite things, and still connect. What Pinterest offers is a a lot of smiles, and a huge opportunity to spend/waste more time online, if you look at it that way.What it also offers is a business opportunity. For your personal brand. For your product or service, whether it's books or cupcakes, consulting or jewelry. For each of my books, I've pinned story clues, character profiles, and more. For my upcoming release, ALL THE DIFFERENCE, I've had fun pinning Ellen's good luck sea beans and Francis' favorite product, Squeaky Clean Soap. The possibilities are endless, and I smile as I bring my characters to life visually. Think about it and then, if you haven't, start exploring [...]

27 02, 2012

Real You: There is always something to worry about

By |2023-02-07T00:06:56+00:00February 27, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: There is always something to worry about

This may seem obvious - but - it's life. There is always something to worry about. Especially if you're a mom. Beyond the basics of feeding, clothing, driving, homework, and the rest, there is your child's general happiness. And if you have more than one, the worries compound. That's why I'm trying to tell myself since there is always something to worry about, it's time to stop worrying about it all. Especially in the middle of the night when nothing gets accomplished except ruining sleep. My biggest a-ha in all of my new perspective is that while I can always choose to find something to worry about - I can also choose not to worry. I can let it go. You can let it go. Let me give you a perfect example. Today was the first day of golf team for my youngest. He was [...]

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