
24 10, 2011

Real You: 10 Tips for Networking – you can do this!

By |2023-02-07T00:08:23+00:00October 24, 2011|aha, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: 10 Tips for Networking – you can do this!

Here's the thing. We all know we need to network - no matter what we do. As a mom, I network to find good tutors, good doctors, good electricians. Everything. As an author, I network to find out about good agents, good publishers, and to discover new methods of reaching readers. So given we all need to network, and according to studies, we as women are more reluctant to do so in a business setting, I offer you my 10 tips for networking success. I hope you enjoy them and will take them to heart. You can do this - you're a natural! 1.Know the Real You - who you are, what you do , who you do it for and why you do it. 2. Join organizations that have meaning to you. 3. Remember to give as much as you take. 4. Know your manners, online and [...]

31 08, 2009

Real You: Five Common Networking Mistakes

By |2023-02-07T00:20:39+00:00August 31, 2009|business, networking|Comments Off on Real You: Five Common Networking Mistakes

Whether you’re looking for a new job or not, you need to get out there and network! You can build new business, find possible colleagues and learn a lot from other people in your industry and beyond. Check out these common networking mistakes to avoid at your next luncheon. Mistake 1: Waiting for the right time. There is no right time to start networking and making connections. It’s much easier to say, “I’ve been in X industry for five years, and I love it” vs. “I recently lost my job, and I’m looking for a new opportunity.” Get involved now. Google your industry plus your city and see what comes up. There are many general networking groups out there as well. Mistake 2: Arriving without an elevator pitch. Be prepared with a three-minute pitch about yourself. Who you are and what you do is a [...]

8 07, 2009

Should You Network Via Email?

By |2023-02-07T00:26:47+00:00July 8, 2009|business, business relationships, networking|Comments Off on Should You Network Via Email?

I received a question from a woman asking: “Is it okay to network via email?”  I wish I could start every relationship face-to-face, but it’s just not possible. In this day and age, it’s not uncommon to correspond with individuals who live on the other side of the country—or even in another part of the world—without ever meeting them in person. Thank you, Twitter! Relationships grow and people conduct business this way every single day—and it works. That being said, when you have the opportunity to meet someone in person, do it. This is your opportunity to put your best foot forward.  After the relationship has been established, corresponding via e-mail, and even social networks, is perfectly acceptable. Always ask, what’s the best way to communicate? According to the Meta Group Survey, 80 percent of people prefer typing to talking. Think about the number of [...]

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