
21 04, 2009

Entering the Business World Knowing Your Passion

By |2023-02-07T01:49:24+00:00April 21, 2009|career, college students, culture, family business, first job, passions, personal brand, work|Comments Off on Entering the Business World Knowing Your Passion

This past week I was approached by a graduating college senior, and she had an excellent question. “While my first choice is to find a job on my own, my family owns a business and they’d love for me to join them. Given the current state of the economy, should I consider joining the family business my best option?” And after talking with her, I started to realize that is about the time when students are planning to set foot into the “real world” and are unsure about what’s next and which direction they should go. So to answer her question and to try and calm the fears of other students in her position, I say… Don’t alter your passions. Do you really want to join the family business? Is it part of your passion? Or are you altering your passion for security? Will it [...]

20 02, 2009

Time to enter the family business?

By |2023-02-07T02:07:58+00:00February 20, 2009|business relationships, career, family business, passions, real estate|Comments Off on Time to enter the family business?

The question of whether or not to join a family business is a tough one. You have been given an opportunity, that’s for sure, but it is smart to carefully evaluate the situation before you jump in. I recommend asking yourself the following: Are you personally passionate about this business? If you’re not, it may not be right for you. Do you have experience in the field? If not, are you willing to learn, and do you think you have what it takes to be successful? What does the future hold? Will you be an equal decision-maker, and will you be able to grow with the company? And perhaps most important, will joining the family business be at all awkward? You may feel like you have to justify your existence to outsiders down the road. Some folks deal with that better than others. As you [...]

4 02, 2009

In times of transition, follow your instincts

By |2023-02-07T02:09:30+00:00February 4, 2009|career, choice, follow instincts, passions, Real You, transitions|Comments Off on In times of transition, follow your instincts

When faced with big career choices, it is often hard to know what the right decision is. It is during these times that I always say go with your gut! It seems it’s these moments in life that allow us to identify and follow our passions. During these times, don’t compromise your dreams. If you do, you will pay for it dearly down the road in the form of frustration and lack of fulfillment. I tell people to take some time off. Get away. Spend some time alone. Then use that time for retrospection. What did you dream about doing when you were a child? Most of us can trace our passions back to a time in our lives when we were much younger—a time before our lives were clouded with the thoughts of others. Sure, it’s great to get other people’s opinions, but don’t [...]

5 11, 2008

Believe in yourself, as there is always another option.

By |2023-02-07T02:13:34+00:00November 5, 2008|career, entrepreneur, ImprovEdge, Karen Hough, setback|Comments Off on Believe in yourself, as there is always another option.

Perhaps you’re experiencing a setback in your career, or maybe you’re faced with a new challenge, either personally or professionally. It could be that you’re bored with your current situation and you need something new and inspiring to set things in motion once again. Don’t panic. There are options. You just need to uncover them. Begin by reflecting on a similar situation in your life. Then use the memory of that experience to help you plan for the future. At the same time, identify your most resilient attributes. Are you flexible, determined and/or confident? Once you’ve identified some key attributes, combine them with what you’ve learned from past experiences, and move forward—all the while looking for new options. Karen Hough, founder of ImprovEdge LLC, knows what it means to be flexible. She has taken her background in improvisational acting and applied it to the business [...]

12 08, 2008

Women in business have clout-lots of it. And we’re gaining more every day.

By |2023-02-07T02:18:42+00:00August 12, 2008|career, entrepreneuership, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Women in business have clout-lots of it. And we’re gaining more every day.

MAKE IT HAPPEN: What about you? Do you dream about a career that affords you more clout? Do you think about how your life might be different as an entrepreneur? If so, trust your gut instinct and decide that now is the time to make a change. Next, take care of yourself. Remember, if you’re not happy, and if you can’t be there for yourself, you can’t be there for anyone else. In addition to that, don’t go it alone. Reach out to others and tell your story. Don’t be an island; that is too isolating. Finally, separate yourself from negative influencers, or snarks. Put simply, don’t worry about society’s expectations for you. Instead, do what feels right. TIP IN ACTION: The statistics prove it. Women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men. In fact, every 60 seconds a woman starts a business. [...]

5 08, 2008

Write your own job description based on what you enjoy doing.

By |2023-02-07T13:28:55+00:00August 5, 2008|career, job descriptions, passions, Rachel Mazur, Real You Incorporated|Comments Off on Write your own job description based on what you enjoy doing.

Think about what it means to be, act, think and look like you. It’s not necessary to mimic other people. Instead, strive for authenticity. Now, bring out the paper and pencil, or start up the computer, and write your dream job description. When you’re done, make it your goal. With that as your focus, you’ll be surprised how quickly things start to fall into place. Rachel Anne Mazur, CEO of DASCO Home Medical Equipment in Westerville, Ohio, is all about having passion for what you do. Although her father started the business more than 20 years ago, it wasn’t until Rachel started working for a similar company that she discovered it was her passion. Already very much a family person, Rachel returned home to join the family business—and there’s been no turning back. Why? Because she loves her job as CEO, and her fun, upbeat [...]

10 06, 2008

Get your life priorities straight first.

By |2023-02-07T13:30:55+00:00June 10, 2008|career, entrepreneurs, goals, HelmsBriscoe, priorities, Real You Incorporated, Tanya Baker, work-life balance|Comments Off on Get your life priorities straight first.

Deciding on the balance that you want to have between business success, family success and leisure time is the difference between judging your own success and failure. In Real You Incorporated, I suggest spending some time alone—a night, a weekend or even a few hours. Then, with pen and paper in hand, establish your goals and write down your top priorities. Your number-one priority should be where you spend most of your conscious time, and so on. Remember, it’s never really been about work-life balance. It’s more about integrating work and family with your personal goals. Meet Tanya Baker, an independent contractor with HelmsBriscoe. In her continuing effort to meet the needs of busy meeting planners, she keeps this tip top of mind. With a husband, two small children—and a challenging career—she constantly strives for work-life balance. But it’s not easy, and frankly, she admits [...]

8 04, 2008

To create a real brand, people inside and outside your company need to believe in you

By |2023-02-07T13:34:42+00:00April 8, 2008|branding, career, Oprah|Comments Off on To create a real brand, people inside and outside your company need to believe in you

Not just your product or service. At the end of the day, it’s all about you. That means your personal brand and your business brand are one in the same. I encourage you to begin by choosing one word that defines you. Here’s a hint to get you started: Think about what you do well. Let’s use Oprah Winfrey as example. Everybody knows Oprah’s brand. Much of her success is due to the fact that people feel like they know her. She defined her career in a real way—as an extension of her personality. By sharing her story, she got people to believe in her. It’s the reason why she’s been successful at building a phenomenal career. How about you? What’s your story? Get started now at

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