
24 04, 2009

Say no to time thieves

By |2023-02-07T01:49:16+00:00April 24, 2009|business, goals, kids, phone calls, time management|Comments Off on Say no to time thieves

Make sure you're focusing and not allowing time thieves to take advantage of you! Did you know interruptions consume 28 percent of an average workday? It's true. And interruptions can be even more time-stealing if you're working from home and not setting limits. Case in point: the other day I was working from home. That's typically a great place to work, especially during school hours. But, one of my kids was home sick. She slept most of the time, but still needed checking, food and comfort. Then, I answered the home phone, instead of letting the answering machine grab it. A mom looking for help with the Lacrosse car wash this weekend. And finally, my oldest signed himself out of school and arrived home with a big project. And what time does that leave for the things on my list? None, if I allow that [...]

10 06, 2008

Get your life priorities straight first.

By |2023-02-07T13:30:55+00:00June 10, 2008|career, entrepreneurs, goals, HelmsBriscoe, priorities, Real You Incorporated, Tanya Baker, work-life balance|Comments Off on Get your life priorities straight first.

Deciding on the balance that you want to have between business success, family success and leisure time is the difference between judging your own success and failure. In Real You Incorporated, I suggest spending some time alone—a night, a weekend or even a few hours. Then, with pen and paper in hand, establish your goals and write down your top priorities. Your number-one priority should be where you spend most of your conscious time, and so on. Remember, it’s never really been about work-life balance. It’s more about integrating work and family with your personal goals. Meet Tanya Baker, an independent contractor with HelmsBriscoe. In her continuing effort to meet the needs of busy meeting planners, she keeps this tip top of mind. With a husband, two small children—and a challenging career—she constantly strives for work-life balance. But it’s not easy, and frankly, she admits [...]

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