
2 03, 2010

Real You: If you snark, make sure you’re right

By |2023-02-07T00:18:40+00:00March 2, 2010|small business, snarks, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: If you snark, make sure you’re right

Ok, let's face it. Not everyday is sunshine and puppies and ice cream. Somedays, it's just one of those days. You've gotta snark. But if it is one of those snark days for you, make sure you don't turn it into one of those days for someone else - UNLESS she deserves it! Here's the story. A communications person from an organization that I respect - that will remain nameless because I like most everyone associated with it and what it stands for - emailed me today to tell me I was being replaced on a panel coming up during New York Entrepreneur Week in April due to lack of payment of my dues. Now, I didn't know until two weeks ago that dues were, well, due. I found that out when I checked my spam filter - I've mentioned my new Canadian spam filter [...]

11 08, 2009

Just survived a snark attack!

By |2023-02-07T00:21:41+00:00August 11, 2009|entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, snarks, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Just survived a snark attack!

If you've read my book, you know I'm fond of labeling snarks as the folks who try to inflict harm on the Real You as you strike out to step into your power and grab your entrepreneurial dreams. And unfortunately, it's almost always the case that the more successful you become, the more yourself you become, the more you stir up the snarks. That's why I've created a microsite called Snark Infested Waters for you to rate snarks and tell your story of survival. Because it's also true that with each set-back, with each snark attack you do become stronger. (I know, it still hurst while it's happening, and you may need time to heal.) So which snark attacked me today? Was it a Con-Artist Snark, Bubble-Bursting Snark, Sexist Snark? I'm not telling, suffice it to say it was enough of an attack for me [...]

26 05, 2009

Navigating new jobs and new personalities

By |2023-02-07T01:46:26+00:00May 26, 2009|new job, Personality, snarks|Comments Off on Navigating new jobs and new personalities

If you’re one of those fortunate people who have found a new job, you’re probably busy learning the ropes and getting to know your new team. Each business and office environment is different. They all come with their own set of quirks and personalities. When starting a new job, it’s often important to understand everyone’s personality and how they interact. This also allows you to figure out who to watch out for…those pesky snarks. While it may seem difficult to escape their negativity, dealing with snarks is a part of life. Here are a few things that will help you navigate those snark-infested waters. · Protect your ideas. Whenever possible, avoid the middle man and take your original ideas directly to the boss. · Don’t share your contacts with people who you suspect might use your relationship for their benefit only. · Don’t rely on [...]

1 05, 2009

Step into the spotlight.

By |2023-02-07T01:48:22+00:00May 1, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, Fear, ideas, public speaking, snarks, taking centerstage, voice coach|Comments Off on Step into the spotlight.

Here's the thing. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a corporate employee, a SAHM or a college student, the time will come—and it probably has already—when you need to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight to claim your power. This could take the form of not letting somebody else take the credit for your paper, your proposal, your cost-cutting idea. Or, it may require the actual stepping into the spotlight, on stage or at least in a large group meeting. Does that thought terrify you? It did me, for too many years in fact. My fear of public speaking (and its accompanying fear of failure, fear of not being good enough) held me back in my business and in my life in general. It forced me to thrust others into the spotlight to say my words and present my ideas, instead of taking the [...]

9 02, 2009

How to build your personal brand

By |2023-02-07T02:09:09+00:00February 9, 2009|passions, personal branding, snarks|Comments Off on How to build your personal brand

Defining your personal brand can be overwhelming. We are complex individuals with so many passions and aspects to our lives. So where do you start? Begin by taking a look in your rear-view mirror. By that I mean step back and take some time to think about where you are in your career—and where you want to be. The process of introspection is so necessary and so helpful when it comes to defining your goals and setting your course. Next, define your passions. I like to refer to passions as the things in life that make your heart sing. My advice is to keep your list to four or five. Then, find the real people in your life. That means separating yourself from negative influencers (aka snarks). Next, follow your instincts. Use your intuition to your advantage. All of these elements working together help to [...]

21 01, 2009

Snark Alert- time to sound the alarm

By |2023-02-07T02:10:33+00:00January 21, 2009|Kaira Rouda, Real You, sexist remarks, snarks, strenght, victim|Comments Off on Snark Alert- time to sound the alarm

Have you recently been the victim of a sexist remark? It sounds like you have a sexist snark on your hands. Ah, those pesky snarks! A sexist snark is another person in your organization who is trying to bring you down. This type of snark resorts to making sexist comments; and as a result, they appear near the top of my snark scale. First, you’re probably shocked, like most of us, that sexist snarks can still exist in this millennium. Don’t be intimidated by their behavior. Instead, report them. If you don’t get a response or if no action is taken, move on. That’s obviously not an environment you want to be in, so cut your losses and get out. To help you navigate through the tension and stress at work check out Snark Guides. And to find out more about snarks, visit

18 07, 2008

Stop Taking Credit for My Work!

By |2023-02-07T13:29:27+00:00July 18, 2008|employees, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, snarks, speaker, staff|Comments Off on Stop Taking Credit for My Work!

I’ve been in too many businesses to name where a certain employee will continually take credit for others employees’ work. If your organization has one of these people on your hands, you’re dealing with an ego snark—someone who wants what you have and will go to any length to get it. These individuals are crafty, and they’re dangerous. They’ll also destroy your culture if you let them. Ego snarks often do their worst damage before you realize they’re a problem, causing animosity within your team and bringing them down. But you’ve at least spotted this person—hopefully before too much damage occurs. Here are some quick tips for dealing with an ego snark: Single them out. Ask them their thoughts and opinions on a new topic. Hold them accountable for specific responsibilities that the team would conquer together. If the problem persists, confront them. In any [...]

17 06, 2008

If someone’s not supporting you and your passions, they’re using you and draining your energy.

By |2023-02-07T13:30:33+00:00June 17, 2008|business, Chien-Shiung Wu, Columbia University, Manhattan Project, passions, snarks|Comments Off on If someone’s not supporting you and your passions, they’re using you and draining your energy.

Watch out for snarks! Instead, surround yourself with the real people in your life. Make an appointment with one of them today. Then, make it your business to foster those relationships on an ongoing basis. Known as the “queen of modern physics”, Chien-Shiung Wu came to the U.S. to study science when she was still a teenager. While working at Columbia University, she contributed to the Manhattan Project, and she personally assisted Tsung-Dao Lee in the development of his parity laws by providing him with a possible test method for beta decay that worked successfully. In spite of her contribution, which was considered by many to be instrumental in the creation of the laws, she did not share in the Nobel Prize that was awarded to her male counterparts. Many view this as an act of sexism on the part of the selection committee. If, [...]

17 04, 2008

Book tour, Chicago style

By |2023-02-07T13:34:11+00:00April 17, 2008|book tour, bordes, snarks, spring, transitions|Comments Off on Book tour, Chicago style

Yesterday, I was in Chicagoland on what turned out to be the first fabulous spring day in the city. I enjoyed breakfast at a cozy restaurant with Tripti Kasal, one of the amazing entrepreneurs featured in my book. Interestingly, Harpo Studios was just a block away. Tempted as I was to go stand outside the gate and hold my book aloft, I decided that could be construed as tacky and continue to await their invitation to be a guest.After breakfast, Tripti drove me to Quartino’s restaurant where I gave a speech to the members and guests of Chicago's Women’s Council of Realtors. I had a blast. What a great group, passionate and positive about the future of real estate and about helping their clients too. Josh and Nate from Borders (at 755 West North Avenue)were great, too. If you’re in the Chicago area, stop by [...]

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