
8 10, 2013

Real You: The long haul

By |2023-02-06T23:50:07+00:00October 8, 2013|Uncategorized, write|Comments Off on Real You: The long haul

That's what I'm reminding myself as I sit down to write this post - finally - after a several-month-long writer's block. It's about the long haul, the sum total of what you've done to make a difference in the world, and not about any one period of muck. Or drought. Or in my case, a flood, followed by a move, followed by a huge asthma attack due to the sealant used on the roads in my neighborhood, followed by a massive construction project RIGHT NEXT STORE that has been in full force every day since we moved into the new house at the beginning of April, just after the flood in our new home. How's that for a sentence? To me, it felt good to finally write because during this time, this time of unsettlement, I haven't been able to write, at least not very [...]

21 01, 2012

Real You: Reading, writing and to-do lists

By |2023-02-07T00:07:16+00:00January 21, 2012|Uncategorized, write|Comments Off on Real You: Reading, writing and to-do lists

Yes, it's a sad fact. Writers must also become business people today. Why is that sad? Well, if you're a writer/creative type like me, you're typically relatively messy. Or, um, very messy. Disorganization is my natural occurring state. Just ask my husband. When we were married, I told him: Love me. Love my piles. For the most part, he's pretty good about my piles...they are sort my major to-do lists. Then there are the random scraps of paper littering my writing desk - those are my actual to-do lists. And finally - much like my protagonist Kelly in Here, Home, Hope - there are the post-it notes covering a number of surfaces around our house. I've got a lot to do, I explain, when my lists and piles get out of control. Today, though, a cautionary lesson on too many to-dos. As I was at [...]

8 04, 2009

It’s never too late to tell you about trends, is it?

By |2023-02-07T01:51:48+00:00April 8, 2009|blogs, social networking, swanepoel, trends, tribes, twitter, write|Comments Off on It’s never too late to tell you about trends, is it?

Ok, here's a funny story. My friend Stefan Swanepoel is THE real estate trends guy. He publishes a well-researched, well-read Trends Report each year and the industry folks who are smart, read it. I realize it's April, and first quarter is over, BUT I am finally reading the report! In my defense, for some unknown reason, it took two months to arrive from California to my mailbox in Ohio. (Yes, even reports don't want to visit Ohio if they're from Laguna Nigel.) But enough excuses. I learned a lot, and here are the trends that resonated with me: 1. Real estate is in the "transformation years", and those years will continue until 2012 (yikes!) 2. Social media is a real estate agent and company's friend! (yay!) I'm not going to dwell on the negatives surrounding point 1 above, as I'm sure if you live in [...]

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