
9 04, 2011

Real You: Finding your voice

By |2023-02-07T00:11:07+00:00April 9, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: Finding your voice

I've spent a lot of my life not speaking up for myself. People find that hard to believe, I suppose, given my work history and the like. But it's true. Today I found myself unable to speak up for myself. What did I do? I cried. As women we're so often taught good girls don't get mad, don't express hostility or anger. But, we are encouraged to express our feelings. Somewhere along the line, my mad/sad reflexes crossed, and now, when I'm really angry - you guessed it - I cry. I worked with a wonderful speech coach when I published my first book. I hadn't realized before then that when you write a book people expect you to speak about it. I'm a writer, I thought, not a speaker. Well, the reality is you have to become both. Most of the time I spent [...]

23 07, 2010

Real You: The power of your voice

By |2023-02-07T00:16:57+00:00July 23, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: The power of your voice

One of my favorite people, voice coach Arthur Joseph, has worked with an amazing line-up of celebrities, sports stars and ordinary folks in addition to his work with singers. His message, quite simply, is your voice is the window to your heart and soul. In his world, your voice is your Real You. The ability to speak clearly, to be heard, to voice your opinion is essential today, probably more than ever. Because even with technology and instant communication, when you have a chance to face one person or a room full of people, it's your voice, your words and their power that will either make them hear you or not. And there is nothing like voice to convey emotion. (I'm saying that and I'm a writer!) Case in point: just spoke with my 15 year old on the telephone. He's at camp in Maine. [...]

8 01, 2010

Real You: New Year, Real You

By |2023-02-07T00:19:13+00:00January 8, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real You: New Year, Real You

How's the first week of the New Year been treating you? If you're like a lot of people, you started the week with the best of intentions and resolutions. And by now, perhaps, you're feeling as if you've failed. Maybe you didn't stick strictly to the diet or perhaps you didn't quit smoking. But you know what? It's ok. Defining yourslf - and your self worth - by New Year's Resolutions is a dangerous and ultimately, for most people, a negative exercise. Instead, let's tackle this year by defining your unique personal brand. The you who you are - who you always have been - and putting that to work in the world. You are unique. But you knew thaat. Did you also know you are uniquely marketable? You just need to learn how to express your unique personal brand as a Real marketable business [...]

7 08, 2009

Real You: The Movie!

By |2023-02-07T00:24:48+00:00August 7, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, passions, Uncategorized, women in business|Comments Off on Real You: The Movie!

It’s been a summer of inspiration—speaking with women all over the country about how to put—and keep—the Real You in your business and your life. It made me realize certain themes pop up, no matter the audience, and those themes are the ones I want to share with you in The Real You Movie. Grab your power, and shine! If you like the movie, please pass it on!

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