Never leave home without a business card

By |2023-02-07T02:16:59+00:00September 17, 2008|business cards, networking, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, Wexner Center for the Arts, women, women in business|Comments Off on Never leave home without a business card

You’ve heard it said that first impressions are everything, and in many cases, it’s true. When you’re out there pitching your business and selling yourself, you need to be prepared to articulate your message on a moment’s notice. Having your business card handy will simplify the process. In the meantime, practice what you want to say the next time you need to ask for business. Keep it short, perhaps a sentence or two, and be sure to include the key points—your name, your company name, what service you provide or what product you sell, and finally, how people can find you. That’s where the card comes in. Have it ready—always! Hopefully you were able to attend last evening’s RYI event at the Wexner Center when I hosted a panel of professional women from Central Ohio, and together we discussed how women have a unique ability [...]