domestic suspense

18 11, 2019

Fierce female crime writers bonding: Bouchercon 2019 is in the books!

By |2023-02-07T00:07:21+00:00November 18, 2019|authors, bloggin, blogs, book tour|Comments Off on Fierce female crime writers bonding: Bouchercon 2019 is in the books!

Never heard of the mystery writers’ conference? That’s OK, I hadn’t either until two years ago when BEST DAY EVER launched and my publisher sent me to this event in Toronto. I’ve been hooked ever since. At Toronto two years ago, and this year in Dallas, I had the chance to meet and visit with the most wonderful women writing crime novels. Of course, yes, there are great male authors there, too, but for me, the most special part of the weekend is the women who write in the same domestic suspense genre as I do. It really is a special bond. So, until next Bouchercon, I’ll miss these faces but fortunately we keep in touch online! Hope you follow me on social media: @KairaRouda on Instagram, Twitter,  Pinterest, and BookBub, and KairaRoudaBooks on Facebook. And if you haven't read my first domestic thriller, check [...]

11 11, 2019

A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend, and writing partner!

By |2023-02-07T00:07:30+00:00November 11, 2019|bloggin, blogs, book, Kaira Rouda, moms|Comments Off on A daughter is just a little girl who grows up to be your best friend, and writing partner!

Mothers and daughters have such a special bond. And that’s the case with my daughter, Avery, and I. As a bonus, my daughter is a writer, too. She’s a screenwriter to be exact and that comes in so handy when your book-to-film agent asks if you would be interested in adapting THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER. Why no, that though terrifies me. But with my daughter’s encouragement, we said yes and the result was a wonderful experience for both of us. Hopefully, the script will find a home, but either way. Avery and I have discovered a wonderful way of working together. It’s awesome. We’re tackling another one of my novels next. Stay tuned! And, for a limited time, THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER ebook is on sale for just $2.99 EXCLUSIVELY on Amazon.  

1 03, 2019

“A thriller about grief, loss, and memory that will hit you right in the heart.” ~ Bustle

By |2023-02-07T00:07:42+00:00March 1, 2019|The Favorite Daughter novel|Comments Off on “A thriller about grief, loss, and memory that will hit you right in the heart.” ~ Bustle

Beyond thrilled to report that, in addition to the fabulous STARRED review in Publishers Weekly last week -- "An exceptional psychological thriller from Rouda .... Suspense fans will be amply rewarded." -- THE FAVORITE DAUGHTER was featured on Bustle with an exclusive excerpt! You can read the entire piece here. A sampling for you below: EXCERPT: The Favorite Daughter SUNDAY THE NIGHT BEFORE 6:30 p.m. “I loved you, Mary.” “Who are you talking to?” David materializes behind me. He thinks he snuck up on me but I heard him coming. I see the judgment in his dark blue eyes as he shakes his head. “Nobody.” We lock eyes. He looks at the photo in my hands and I know he thinks I’m talking to myself. Another “creepy” habit of mine, as he says. I place the photo back where it belongs. He’s changing in the closet. [...]

5 12, 2016

On branding and going a little darker

By |2023-02-06T23:40:40+00:00December 5, 2016|advertising|Comments Off on On branding and going a little darker

The interesting thing about having a background in branding is that it's fairly easy for me to see other people's brands, and help them bring them to life. In fact, I wrote a whole book - REAL YOU INCORPORATED - about the process. But, just like the cobbler's children, when it came time for me to take a look at my brand, I froze. I mean, my stories have been "Sparkling with humor and heart" since 2011. I loved that tagline, and my happy Gerbera daisy, too. But, change can be good, too! I'm beyond excited for next September when my second domestic suspense novel, BEST DAY EVER, arrives in the world. I say second because it is. ALL THE DIFFERENCE was my first domestic suspense novel, but I've been forcing it under the "sparkling" branding all this time. (Sorry, ALL THE DIFFERENCE characters.)But now, it's [...]

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