
8 06, 2009

Finding the right entrepreneurial community for you

By |2023-02-07T01:45:40+00:00June 8, 2009|connections, e-newsletter, friends, membership, networking, women's communities|Comments Off on Finding the right entrepreneurial community for you

Finding a women’s community that is just what you’re looking for can often take some time. To help you out, I’ve listed a few different online women’s communities that I think are fantastic. Startup Princess—Startup Princess is a community where women can grow together while learning from one another. If you are looking for a fairy godmother (mentor), this is the place. The site is full of stories from women just like you. Features on the site include a blog, directory of women-owned businesses, videos and more. They recently featured me in a blog post. (Thanks, Kelly!) Savor the Success—Here women come together and share trials and tribulations about business and life. You can connect with other members through blogs, message boards and events. For those living in the New York or California area, there are chapter events you can attend. Find a chapter near [...]

28 04, 2009

Learning to Say No

By |2023-02-07T01:48:47+00:00April 28, 2009|balance, friends, limits, me time, Oprah, Real You, saying no, stress, support system|Comments Off on Learning to Say No

By nature, women are nurturers—the ones always helping others. While it’s admirable that we are always trying to be there for others, between work and family, our lives can get chaotic. In striving to be SuperMom, we often forget how and when to say no. Then, being overcommitted with no time for ourselves, we’re left feeling frazzled, burnt-out, despondent and not much good to anyone. Fortunately, there are a couple things we can do. First, learn to set limitations for yourself. Instead of saying yes to everything, define the specific tasks that inspire you. Commit your time and talents to the tasks and organizations that make your heart sing. By doing so, your actions will be in sync with your heart, and that translates into a happier you. Also, develop a support system of family, friends and co-workers who can help you. Surround yourself with [...]

14 04, 2009

Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

By |2023-02-07T01:51:06+00:00April 14, 2009|business tips, entrepreneur, friends, sharing, starting a business, tfamily, women business owners|Comments Off on Sharing Your Secrets. Good or Bad?

Whenever women business owners get together they like to talk about their families and their business. Unlike their male counterparts, women business owners, counterparts seek out the opinions and input of others. We know this from research conducted by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners (NFWBO). I believe that women benefit from this behavior. Of course, there are boundaries you’ll need to adhere to, but that shouldn’t stop you from gaining the wisdom and insight of others. Connecting with others is a natural instinct for women. So don’t be afraid to get out there and start connecting by sharing trials, tribulations and success stories. Once you open up other women will too. But like I said there are boundaries, do share all the ins and outs, but be willing to help. And always remember, watch out for the snarks! They are out there and [...]

26 09, 2008

Business partner or best friend? Why not both?

By |2023-02-07T02:16:32+00:00September 26, 2008|business partnership, friends, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Business partner or best friend? Why not both?

Are you thinking about going into business with a friend? If so, begin by recognizing the fact that there could be a strain on the relationship. Then, take the necessary steps to prevent any upsets, like defining, up front, individual responsibilities. Be clear that someone needs to be in charge. Remember, this business is your dream. Having said all that, a friend and partner can be a tremendous asset, especially if that person has talents and skills that contribute to your vision for the company. And that’s the key. Without that in place, both your friendship and your business could be headed for disaster. So, bottom line, establish the rules before you get started. Then, together, reach for your goals!

11 05, 2008

Girlfriends and Gabbing and Mother’s Day

By |2023-02-07T13:32:03+00:00May 11, 2008|friends, gab, girlfriends, mother's day, stress|Comments Off on Girlfriends and Gabbing and Mother’s Day

On this Mother's Day I, of course, am so thankful for my four kids and for my own great mom, and my mother-in-law, and the rest of my family. But I'm also thankful for all the great moms who I'm honored to call my friend. Without these women in my life, I just don't know what I'd do. Girlfriendology celebrates that amazing bond. It's a wonderful site, and the founder, Debba Haupert, embraces her inner daisy as much as I do. (See her website, and the cover of my book.) We just did a podcast talking about the importance of friends, and much much more. And why do we need girlfriends so desperately, especially in these frightening economic times? As I learned during the recent Marketing to Women conference, we women personalize and internalize stress. And when we worry, we connect. (Men isolate.) And one [...]

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