
About Kaira Rouda

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So far Kaira Rouda has created 432 blog entries.
5 02, 2009

Use public relations to create buzz.

By |2023-02-07T02:09:22+00:00February 5, 2009|advertising, entrepreneur, public relations, Sara Blakely, Spanx|Comments Off on Use public relations to create buzz.

If your budget looks like mine, you’re probably cutting back on advertising and ramping up your PR efforts. A common misconception is that advertising and public relations are the same. Let me clarify. Advertising is paid placement; PR is third-party coverage, as in a reporter included you or your business in an article. This can be much more credible than advertising, but you lose the control you have when you place an ad. Keep in mind the pros and cons of both. A good PR campaign can have lasting effects, creating buzz and driving sales. For one entrepreneur, doing her own public relations paid off—big time. Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx—footless pantyhose—debated whether to use a big PR agency or do her own publicity work in-house. “I believed so much in my dream that the idea of someone pitching it who maybe hadn’t even [...]

4 02, 2009

In times of transition, follow your instincts

By |2023-02-07T02:09:30+00:00February 4, 2009|career, choice, follow instincts, passions, Real You, transitions|Comments Off on In times of transition, follow your instincts

When faced with big career choices, it is often hard to know what the right decision is. It is during these times that I always say go with your gut! It seems it’s these moments in life that allow us to identify and follow our passions. During these times, don’t compromise your dreams. If you do, you will pay for it dearly down the road in the form of frustration and lack of fulfillment. I tell people to take some time off. Get away. Spend some time alone. Then use that time for retrospection. What did you dream about doing when you were a child? Most of us can trace our passions back to a time in our lives when we were much younger—a time before our lives were clouded with the thoughts of others. Sure, it’s great to get other people’s opinions, but don’t [...]

3 02, 2009

Was $100K/sec investment worth it? Family weighs in on Super Bowl ads.

By |2023-02-07T02:09:39+00:00February 3, 2009|marketing to women, Super Bowl ads|Comments Off on Was $100K/sec investment worth it? Family weighs in on Super Bowl ads.

Usually, I do my Super Bowl ad rating, with my marketing-to-women hat on, by myself, but this time I wanted to see how effective the ads were with a variety of voters. I pulled together my own team to help with the rating of the spots: sons, ages 12, 14 and 17, and my daughter and her friend, both 15, and my husband and I. Call us the family room focus group. Each voter received three possible votes per spot: thumbs down, thumbs up or big smile. Thumbs up meant the spot was clever or amusing, but didn’t make a smile stick. For a smile to stick, that was the biggest compliment. Was it all smiles? See the results, and let me know what you thought!

30 01, 2009

Be your best salesperson

By |2023-02-07T02:09:43+00:00January 30, 2009|branding, Estee Lauder, free samples, Kaira Rouda, makeup, Real You, salesperson, women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on Be your best salesperson

Remember, you are your brand. So embody it wherever you go, and be its biggest fan. Carry your product around. Give it away when possible. People want instant gratification, and they love the ability to touch and feel the product. It helps make that emotional connection that leads to the sale. Estée Lauder, who started her business in 1946, was frustrated when large advertising agencies wouldn’t take on her relatively small company (at the time). So she started her own campaign, which consisted of free samples and gifts with purchase. It was a huge success. She knew if a woman liked it, she would tell a friend. “If you put the product into the customer's hands, it will speak for itself if it's something of quality,” said Lauder. She strongly believed that in order to make the sale, you had to touch the customer. She [...]

26 01, 2009

Planning Your Future Business Now

By |2023-02-07T02:09:56+00:00January 26, 2009|business plan, company culture, entrepreneurs, find mentor, future business, Kaira Rouda, Real You, target audience|Comments Off on Planning Your Future Business Now

Is entrepreneurship in your future? Start preparing yourself and your business while working for another company. While at your current job, you can hone your entrepreneurial skills. Start by observing your surroundings, what works and what doesn’t. What aspects of your current job would you like to incorporate into your future company? And while you’re sitting through all those corporate meetings, think about what you like and dislike about them. Make some mental notes about what’s good and bad so you can take that knowledge with you. Start thinking about how you will define your personal brand and your company’s brand. What does the Real You look like? Developing a business plan, researching your target audience and creating a vision for your business are easy ways to start preparing for what’s ahead—your business and life as an entrepreneur! Also, while you’re still in the corporate [...]

24 01, 2009

Are you inspired? Feeling good? In control? If not, take action!

By |2023-02-07T02:10:15+00:00January 24, 2009|microenterprise, now, positive thinking, small business, take action|Comments Off on Are you inspired? Feeling good? In control? If not, take action!

If you're not feeling happy, why not? Here are your options: you can lament increasing unemployment, a shaking economy, a cold winter, a New Year's resolution not met, a kids' bad report card, a gray sky, and any number of other depressing mid-winter realities. Or, you can change your mindset. You can decide to live a positive, optimistic life. That doesn't mean Pollyanna or rose-colored glasses. That means you are in charge, and at the center of your life. You are standing in your power with confidence over the things you can change - and with acceptance of the things you cannot. Fearful about losing your job? You aren't alone. In Ohio, where I live, our state just reached 7.8 percent unemployment, a number not seen since in decades. It's scary. But it's not immobilizing. You cannot be the one who sits frozen with fear. [...]

23 01, 2009

Never Fear Failure

By |2023-02-07T02:10:24+00:00January 23, 2009|Anne Murray-Randolf, Fear, LORE magazine, perspective, Xerox|Comments Off on Never Fear Failure

Don't be intimidated in tough situations. People can detect fear in your words and actions, so take a deep breath and dismiss your fear of failure. Easier said than done? Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Take a step back and think of this moment over the course of your lifetime. As your perspective widens, your situation will appear less significant in the grand scheme of things. It also helps to have a strong support system—a group that will cheer you on regardless of your successes and failures. Anne Murray-Randolph was a fine arts grad selling Xerox machines for a living. When confronted with a corporate big-wig, Anne was asked to give her 45-minute presentation pitch on copiers in only 20 minutes. Realizing that it would be nearly impossible to cover all of her presentation material in half the amount of time, Anne [...]

21 01, 2009

Snark Alert- time to sound the alarm

By |2023-02-07T02:10:33+00:00January 21, 2009|Kaira Rouda, Real You, sexist remarks, snarks, strenght, victim|Comments Off on Snark Alert- time to sound the alarm

Have you recently been the victim of a sexist remark? It sounds like you have a sexist snark on your hands. Ah, those pesky snarks! A sexist snark is another person in your organization who is trying to bring you down. This type of snark resorts to making sexist comments; and as a result, they appear near the top of my snark scale. First, you’re probably shocked, like most of us, that sexist snarks can still exist in this millennium. Don’t be intimidated by their behavior. Instead, report them. If you don’t get a response or if no action is taken, move on. That’s obviously not an environment you want to be in, so cut your losses and get out. To help you navigate through the tension and stress at work check out Snark Guides. And to find out more about snarks, visit www.SnarkInfestedWaters.com.

19 01, 2009

Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

By |2023-02-07T02:10:41+00:00January 19, 2009|Competitive advantage, Kaira Rouda, personal branding, Real You, stories|Comments Off on Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

In my book I talk about telling your story and I have gotten various questions regarding this topic. Most asking “why tell your story?” And to that I respond… Because it’s unique! It’s yours and you own it. The important part of defining your personal brand is to understand how to bring it to life as a competitive advantage. Without that, you’re just another entrepreneur. With your story, you are fully formed. Within your story you find perspective. I tell people to look in their rear-view mirror. Why? Because that’s where you’ll find perspective. That’s where you’ll find answers. Define your personal brand. Make it real. Then, put the real you in your business. What is your story? I’d love to hear and be inspired.

16 01, 2009

Add excitement and laughter to your business

By |2023-02-07T02:10:47+00:00January 16, 2009|business model, company culture, laughter, small business, women business owners, work enviroment|Comments Off on Add excitement and laughter to your business

The thought that all businesses must be strict, ridged, dull and lifeless is not outdated. Business owners should not be afraid to fill their business with laughter and fun. Consumers and employees are looking for an enjoyable experience. Adding life and personality to your business welcomes consumers and keeps them coming back for more. I always say go for the laughter. As adults, we often let the laughter escape from our lives—and that’s a huge mistake. Much has been written about the health benefits of laughter. From relieving stress to boosting the immune system, it’s a one-way ticket to promoting good health. In a work environment, having a little fun promotes camaraderie, and that’s critical for building an effective team. This is one time when it’s a good idea to take a cue from the kids in your life. They haven’t forgotten what it’s like [...]

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