
14 10, 2008

Don’t Forget to Dream

By |2023-02-07T02:14:31+00:00October 14, 2008|business, dreams, entrepreneurs, Gloria Steinem, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women, women in business|Comments Off on Don’t Forget to Dream

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. Begin by asking yourself this question: If you could be anyone else for a day, who would it be? What is your dream? Start defining it. What are you passionate about? What business activities feel most like fun and least like work? Of course, this requires some soul-searching. Take it to the next level. Write down the names of three people you admire. It doesn’t matter if they are family members, friends or business acquaintances. Then, determine what characteristics you admire in each of them. The attributes you list should be closely aligned with the heart of your passions! When you define your passions and dreams, you begin the planning process, and that in turn opens the door to exciting possibilities. This tip, from Gloria [...]

10 10, 2008

What’s in a name?

By |2023-02-07T02:14:39+00:00October 10, 2008|Brands, business, company, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, story, women, women in business|Comments Off on What’s in a name?

Let me say this: Naming your company matters. It’s part of your real brand; it’s your essence. What you need to do is begin with your company story. Write it down; record it. From the first twinkle of an idea to the people that have played a significant role, get it on paper. This is important because you’ll want employees to know about and understand your brand. They need to know the real story. After you’ve got that down, coming up with a name for the company should be easier. You’ll want it to define your real brand—the genuine, truthful, authentic you that your company is all about. Remember those dreams? Sure you do! Let them unfold—in your company name. To share your success story and company name leave us a comment, or check out RealYouIncorporated.com for some inspiration from other female entrepreneurs.

2 10, 2008

Dear Advertisers. It’s me, Female Consumer.

By |2023-02-07T02:16:07+00:00October 2, 2008|advertising, branding, eBrandMarketing, female consumer, magazines, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, women|Comments Off on Dear Advertisers. It’s me, Female Consumer.

Every month I’m excited to read my favorite magazine. I open the glossy cover with its witty teasers to find: full-color, beautiful woman, product, no substance (flip). Repeat. Repeat. Great content (finally!). Flawless woman, product (flip). It’s a vicious cycle. I quickly move past the ads to get to the good stuff. It’s disappointing to say the least. Here you are with your great brand, prime real estate in a highly-circulated magazine, an over-paid advertising agency on retainer and a full page ad that says … nothing. Hello? Anyone listening out there? What happened to the emotionally captivating messages that accompanied the great imagery? To read more about emotional branding and which companies are doing it right, check out my eBrandMarketing post and tell me about some ads that speak to you!

30 09, 2008

Find clarity about what it is you are seeking, and go after it.

By |2023-02-07T02:16:19+00:00September 30, 2008|Betty's Fine Food and Spirits, business, dreams, Elizabeth Lessner, entrepreneurs, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, The Surly Girl Saloon, vision, women, women in business|Comments Off on Find clarity about what it is you are seeking, and go after it.

If you don’t have a clear picture about what you want, you will never get it. Clarity of vision is so important. But to do it right takes time and effort. Begin by choosing three words to describe your business, even if that business is not yet off the ground. Then put your operating principles in writing. This will likely be the precursor to your company vision or mission statement, so take the time to get it right. Next, list some additional adjectives that you want to associate with your vision. Play around with it; be creative. This is the fun part. Remember, the clearer the picture, the easier it will be to transform your vision into reality. This tip comes from Elizabeth Lessner, owner of Betty’s Family of Restaurants in Columbus, Ohio, which includes Betty’s Fine Food and Spirits, The Surly Girl Saloon, Tip [...]

25 09, 2008

By 2012, women will outnumber men online by more than 8 million

By |2023-02-07T02:16:37+00:00September 25, 2008|eBrandMarketing, internet, online consumers, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women, women in business|Comments Off on By 2012, women will outnumber men online by more than 8 million

A woman starts a business in the U.S. every 60 seconds. And, American women are the largest economy on earth. Put those two stats together with the possibilities of the Internet - and you’ve got a revolution to be reckoned with. To read more about the power of women online, check out my eBrandMarketing post and let me know what you think!

24 09, 2008

Make your office of reflection of the Real You

By |2023-02-07T02:16:42+00:00September 24, 2008|branding, business, Martha Stewart, offices, Real You, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, women, women in business|Comments Off on Make your office of reflection of the Real You

MAKE IT HAPPEN: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2007 the average American worked 42.9 hours a week. Over the course of a year, this added up to approximately 2,230 hours, which is about 13.3 weeks straight. If you’re spending this much time in your office, create a space that reflects the real you by addressing the needs of your five senses. TIP IN ACTION: Start with color. Choose colors that exhibit your personality. For example, those who consider themselves to be imaginative, idealistic, a visionary and somewhat eccentric at times may be drawn to the color blue. You may also want to surround yourself with visual reminders of your hobbies and passions. My walls are blue, and I have sea glass on my desk to remind me of the ocean (I’m landlocked in Ohio). I also have tons of pictures and mementos [...]

19 09, 2008

The Million Dollar Question: Can I have it all?

By |2023-02-07T02:16:49+00:00September 19, 2008|Real You Incorporated, Rouda, values, women, women in business, work and family|Comments Off on The Million Dollar Question: Can I have it all?

Women have been grappling with this one for years. The honest answer: it’s not about having it all. It’s about having what you want—and being real. Being real means aligning your values and personality with your business—and the people in your life. Think about who you are and what you want. How do you think? What makes you tick? Then, make sure the members of your team think like you do. Forget about having it all; instead, focus on integrating work and family with your personal goals. Begin by setting aside some time, away from life’s distractions, to focus on your goals. Develop a clear plan, and then put it into action after your family, friends and professional team members are on board. Together, you will make it happen! For more tips on making it happen check out Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials For Women [...]

18 09, 2008

A Lesson from eHarmony.com

By |2023-02-07T02:16:53+00:00September 18, 2008|eBrandMarketing, eharmony-com, marketing, Real You Incorporated, relationships, Rouda, speaker, women|Comments Off on A Lesson from eHarmony.com

I’ll admit it. I’m a big fan of eHarmony.com and I’m married and the mom of four. The reason I’m a fan is the marketing genius and lessons we all can learn from the site and its approach. Launched in 2000, the site is the #1 trusted relationship destination on the website, and has kept that position even in the face of a lot of competition. Why? Check out my eBrandMarketing post.

17 09, 2008

Never leave home without a business card

By |2023-02-07T02:16:59+00:00September 17, 2008|business cards, networking, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, Wexner Center for the Arts, women, women in business|Comments Off on Never leave home without a business card

You’ve heard it said that first impressions are everything, and in many cases, it’s true. When you’re out there pitching your business and selling yourself, you need to be prepared to articulate your message on a moment’s notice. Having your business card handy will simplify the process. In the meantime, practice what you want to say the next time you need to ask for business. Keep it short, perhaps a sentence or two, and be sure to include the key points—your name, your company name, what service you provide or what product you sell, and finally, how people can find you. That’s where the card comes in. Have it ready—always! Hopefully you were able to attend last evening’s RYI event at the Wexner Center when I hosted a panel of professional women from Central Ohio, and together we discussed how women have a unique ability [...]

10 09, 2008

The real world is online

By |2023-02-07T02:17:21+00:00September 10, 2008|entrepreneurs, forum, online consumers, quizzes, Real Living, women|Comments Off on The real world is online

Your goal should be to grow closer to your female customer, to know what she likes and what product or service you can offer her to make her life easier. Now take that a step further and determine how you can delight her online. So, imagine a day in her life. From start to finish, what does she do, and what does she need to accomplish her daily tasks? Find out where she’s going online—and be there. What does she read online? Where does she spend her time? But perhaps most important, subscribe to blogs and e-newsletters within your industry, and keep current with what’s out there. Things are moving fast, and you and your business need to be a part of it in order to meet her needs. At Real Living, we developed a series of quizzes for customers to discover their decorating style, [...]

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