
25 09, 2008

By 2012, women will outnumber men online by more than 8 million

By |2023-02-07T02:16:37+00:00September 25, 2008|eBrandMarketing, internet, online consumers, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women, women in business|Comments Off on By 2012, women will outnumber men online by more than 8 million

A woman starts a business in the U.S. every 60 seconds. And, American women are the largest economy on earth. Put those two stats together with the possibilities of the Internet - and you’ve got a revolution to be reckoned with. To read more about the power of women online, check out my eBrandMarketing post and let me know what you think!

18 09, 2008

A Lesson from eHarmony.com

By |2023-02-07T02:16:53+00:00September 18, 2008|eBrandMarketing, eharmony-com, marketing, Real You Incorporated, relationships, Rouda, speaker, women|Comments Off on A Lesson from eHarmony.com

I’ll admit it. I’m a big fan of eHarmony.com and I’m married and the mom of four. The reason I’m a fan is the marketing genius and lessons we all can learn from the site and its approach. Launched in 2000, the site is the #1 trusted relationship destination on the website, and has kept that position even in the face of a lot of competition. Why? Check out my eBrandMarketing post.

17 09, 2008

Never leave home without a business card

By |2023-02-07T02:16:59+00:00September 17, 2008|business cards, networking, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, Wexner Center for the Arts, women, women in business|Comments Off on Never leave home without a business card

You’ve heard it said that first impressions are everything, and in many cases, it’s true. When you’re out there pitching your business and selling yourself, you need to be prepared to articulate your message on a moment’s notice. Having your business card handy will simplify the process. In the meantime, practice what you want to say the next time you need to ask for business. Keep it short, perhaps a sentence or two, and be sure to include the key points—your name, your company name, what service you provide or what product you sell, and finally, how people can find you. That’s where the card comes in. Have it ready—always! Hopefully you were able to attend last evening’s RYI event at the Wexner Center when I hosted a panel of professional women from Central Ohio, and together we discussed how women have a unique ability [...]

4 09, 2008

Women Out-Earning Men in Some Professions

By |2023-02-07T02:17:32+00:00September 4, 2008|AOL, glass ceiling, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, salary, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Women Out-Earning Men in Some Professions

We have been waiting quite some time to see the pay gap between women and men shrink. Well ladies, in some professions the tables are turning. Here are a few current careers where women are earning more than men: • Sales engineers • Statisticians • Legislators • Automotive technicians and mechanics • Baggage porters • Financial analysts • Aerospace engineers • Advertising managers According to an article on AOL, women tend to verbally outpace men and are excellent with details and follow-up, and it is these characteristics that enhance their workplace performance. Currently, women are also receiving college degrees in larger numbers than men. After graduating, they are moving to large urban cities, where, in the past few years, there has been an increase in women earning more than men. The glass ceiling is getting thinner. Become a pioneer in your field, and begin paving [...]

2 09, 2008

The window to your soul is found in the people you admire.

By |2023-02-07T02:17:45+00:00September 2, 2008|Chelsea Clinton, heroes, Hillary Clinton, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on The window to your soul is found in the people you admire.

Who is your hero? What are the words that describe your hero? What is something that person did that you admire? And finally, what is one way you can be more like your hero? Write these thoughts down on paper. Then, make a list of the qualities that you admire in your hero. If you have several heroes, they will probably all have similar qualities. But identifying your hero and what that person has done is only the beginning of the process. The next step is to contact your hero. It doesn’t matter if your hero is a famous person or a close friend. Write to that person. Reach out to her. By doing so, you will be greatly inspired to live your life in a way that makes you happy—a way that you’ve admired in others and therefore can apply to your own life [...]

29 08, 2008

Tips for hiring a great team

By |2023-02-07T02:17:52+00:00August 29, 2008|company culture, hiring, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker|Comments Off on Tips for hiring a great team

Begin by articulating your personal and business brand to potential employees. That’s as easy as writing a job description that provides a glimpse of what your company is all about. That will get the ball rolling when it comes to attracting the right individuals to your door. You know the kind of people I’m talking about. They’re the workers who understand that it’s your company, but treat it as if it’s their own. You’ve created a real brand. Now it’s time to hire some real people who think like you about the culture you’ve created. For more tips on hiring a knock-out team and building a creative culture, check out Real Fact Five in Real You Incorporated: 8 Essentials For Women Entrepreneurs. What makes your culture great?

28 08, 2008

Finding the right professional organizations for you

By |2023-02-07T02:17:57+00:00August 28, 2008|networking, passions, professional organizations, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker|Comments Off on Finding the right professional organizations for you

Connecting with like-minded individuals is a great way to grow your business and your personal network, but we all seem to be strapped for time with work, family and other activities. That’s why it’s best to only join organizations that have meaning to you. Start by visiting several groups so you can determine which ones are right for you. Then be selective, because attending too many meetings, or joining a long list of organizations, is the opposite of real. Once you find that perfect fit—an organization that turns out to be exactly what you’re looking for—volunteer your time as a leader. Why? Because you’ll get the most out of it that way—and so will the organization. Leaders who give their time this way quickly learn that the benefits far outweigh the input. Check out this website for great professional organizations in your area! Have you [...]

19 08, 2008

If you make your female customers happy, your male customers will be happy, too. We are the demanding ones.

By |2023-02-07T02:18:29+00:00August 19, 2008|female consumer, real estate, Real Living, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker|Comments Off on If you make your female customers happy, your male customers will be happy, too. We are the demanding ones.

MAKE IT HAPPEN: Schedule a regular time (monthly or quarterly) when you and the members of your team can discuss how to touch base with your customers. During this time, talk about what’s working and what’s not. Consider what you might do differently—or better. Remember, your goal should be to stay one step ahead of her. Now, get moving! You have no time to waste. TIP IN ACTION: Women are world-class consumers, making or influencing 85 percent of all purchases and 91 percent of home purchases. Given these statistics, don’t women deserve a little attention? In the 1970s, women were purchasing with his money. Today she is purchasing with her money. Knowing that, it’s no surprise that women are dramatically changing how products and services are designed and marketed. Call it what it is: the unstoppable trend of women’s buying power. At Real Living, we [...]

15 08, 2008

The Almighty Power of Networking

By |2023-02-07T02:18:35+00:00August 15, 2008|networking, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, share, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on The Almighty Power of Networking

Networking is not just important, it’s absolutely necessary. In whatever stage of the game you are—whether you own a company or you’re working for someone else—networking with other individuals is essential because you never know who can help you move up or help you move on. Here are my suggestions: Get over being intimidated. Leaving your comfort zone is never easy, but you can practice at home by role-playing what you’ll say when you meet people. Get your elevator pitch down. Go with a friend. If you know someone who’s really involved in a group or organization, tag along. She’ll be sure to introduce you to her circle. Always be on the lookout for networking opportunities. It might happen the next time you’re in the cafeteria. Introduce yourself to that person from another department—the one you see occasionally—but neither of you ever speak. And don’t [...]

12 08, 2008

Women in business have clout-lots of it. And we’re gaining more every day.

By |2023-02-07T02:18:42+00:00August 12, 2008|career, entrepreneuership, Real You Incorporated, Rouda, speaker, women in business|Comments Off on Women in business have clout-lots of it. And we’re gaining more every day.

MAKE IT HAPPEN: What about you? Do you dream about a career that affords you more clout? Do you think about how your life might be different as an entrepreneur? If so, trust your gut instinct and decide that now is the time to make a change. Next, take care of yourself. Remember, if you’re not happy, and if you can’t be there for yourself, you can’t be there for anyone else. In addition to that, don’t go it alone. Reach out to others and tell your story. Don’t be an island; that is too isolating. Finally, separate yourself from negative influencers, or snarks. Put simply, don’t worry about society’s expectations for you. Instead, do what feels right. TIP IN ACTION: The statistics prove it. Women are starting businesses at twice the rate of men. In fact, every 60 seconds a woman starts a business. [...]

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