
7 04, 2009

Building a Professional Network

By |2023-02-07T01:51:59+00:00April 7, 2009|business, entrepreneurs, leadership, mentors, networking, social media, success, women|Comments Off on Building a Professional Network

We always hear that building professional networks is vital to success, but it should also be noted that your network should reach beyond family and friends. Family and friends are great, and most of us would be lost without them. They create a great support system in a wide variety of situations—including helping you fulfill your dreams. However, if you’re talking business, you really need to expand your network. Most women rely on family members as their primary network, but these individuals don’t always have access to meaningful business information—like new leads, business experts or financial advice. Your contacts should be people who will help you develop your competitive advantage. You need diversity of opinions and backgrounds, so as you build your network, try to include individuals with varying backgrounds and expertise. Ideally, it should be people who don’t work for you. That way you [...]

6 04, 2009

Finding a Balance that Works for You

By |2023-02-07T01:52:10+00:00April 6, 2009|business, entrepreneur, passions, stress, women business owners, work life balance personal brand|Comments Off on Finding a Balance that Works for You

Women continually struggle with work-life balance. There are many women who believe there is this set, generic and ideal form of balance. However, that is just not the case. Balance differs for everyone. What works for your co-worker may not work for you. And what works for you may not work for your neighbor. Everyone is different and has a different job and your work-life balance should reflect that. Also, many women believe that their personal and business life should be completely different. But instead hear this: Your business is your personal life. By that I mean if you develop your business around your personal brand essence, then the real you will rise to the surface. You’re a package. Your values, personality—even your passions—they all come together to create a personal brand that defines you. Now take it one step further and incorporate that brand [...]

26 03, 2009

Branding Your Work Space

By |2023-02-07T01:52:35+00:00March 26, 2009|branding, business, home office, work space|Comments Off on Branding Your Work Space

Whether others see your office or not, I always recommend that your office be a reflection of you and your personal brand. It should be comfy, functional and stimulating. If you are a messy person by nature, that’s OK; just don’t let the mess overwhelm you. To begin, have a sense and direction of your personal brand, and then begin thinking how you will translate that into the décor of your room. Use the five senses. Start by painting the walls. Display some of your favorite things on the shelves and walls that surround you. These items will inspire you. And that will make you more productive and energized. Then, work with smell. What would you like your office and brand to smell like? Fresh linen, raspberries, spice? Choose a smell that will stimulate the senses and awaken your imagination. Keep moving through the five [...]

6 03, 2009

Share the Spotlight

By |2023-02-07T01:53:03+00:00March 6, 2009|business, leadership, meetings, sharing, team|Comments Off on Share the Spotlight

I was recently at a company meeting and realized only the department heads took center stage. They covered a lot of great info, but it got boring. Face it: People just stop listening after so many PowerPoint slides. It would've been so much nicer to see some new faces. All of their team members were in the back, and only one leader gave a shout-out to her team. Whether you're having a sales rally or a client meeting, make sure to include your team. They work hard for you, so share the spotlight. It will break up the monotony of the formal presentation and introduce your audience to other key players who make your business go round while building camaraderie. With employees, it's the little things that count. The small gesture of inviting them to the stage or saying “thank you for all you do” [...]

27 02, 2009

Turn part-time passions into a full-time gig

By |2023-02-07T01:53:46+00:00February 27, 2009|business, economy, entrepreneurship, part-time business, passions|Comments Off on Turn part-time passions into a full-time gig

Have you listened to your heart lately? In the second step of the Real You Process, we explore your passions—the things that make your heart sing. Maybe you love working with children, you're an excellent writer or you have a killer voice that you haven't used in awhile. We all have passions and talents that have been pushed aside because life got in the way. But that shouldn't be an excuse. Start living your passions. Especially in this time of economic uncertainty, you need to have a back-up plan. Something to lean on. Something that makes you smile each and every day. Use that talent, and turn it into something profitable by starting your own side business. Here are some quick tips: • Start simple, on the side. You're not ditching your full-time job here. Not just yet, anyway. • Take your time and think [...]

23 02, 2009

Real You: No Light? No Trouble?

By |2023-02-07T01:54:10+00:00February 23, 2009|business, Camille's Sidewalk Cafe, real estate, realtors|Comments Off on Real You: No Light? No Trouble?

Yesterday at lunch I was enjoying a great sandwich at Camille's Sidewalk Cafe when I looked up and saw this sign on the wall next to my booth: Green -> NormalRed -> AlarmNoLight -> Trouble It made me think. Do we too often ignore the signs right in front of us in business? I know, speaking for the real estate industry, we were in a state of greed and denial before the bust. The government's goal was to increase home ownership rates; the mortgage companies made money easy to get; the number of real estate agents had reached record numbers nationwide; and everybody who was anybody had a no-miss real estate opportunity. In February of 2006, the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors released a book: Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust. The bust had started in the fourth quarter of [...]

11 02, 2009

Turn your Passion into a Business

By |2023-02-07T02:08:55+00:00February 11, 2009|business, economy, glass ceiling, passions, women entrepreneurs|Comments Off on Turn your Passion into a Business

With companies being pulled in every direction and employees clinging to their jobs, it seems like women all around me are becoming entrepreneurs. According to the Center for Women’s Business Research, women are starting businesses at more than twice the rate of men—maybe even more. In fact, a woman starts a business every 60 seconds. They are employing one of every seven workers in the U.S., and the majority of women-owned businesses continue to grow about two times faster than other firms. Now that I’ve wowed you with the facts, let’s talk about why this is happening. Well, for starters, women are tired of being held back. Many view entrepreneurship as the only way to break the glass ceiling because other, more traditional channels have not yielded the desired results. Also, with our changing economic times, women are taking the time to step back and [...]

3 12, 2008

Economy have you down? Start your own business.

By |2023-02-07T02:12:33+00:00December 3, 2008|business, Center for American Progress, economy, entrepreneur, passions|Comments Off on Economy have you down? Start your own business.

Does the economy and the job market have you down? Well now is a great time to start thinking about what you are truly passionate about. This is the perfect time to take a break and think about what you really want out of the upcoming years. Do you want to continue working for the same company? Where do your passions lie? How and when are you going to put your passions into actions? With the US losing 605,000 jobs in the first right months of 2008 and the unemployment rate reaching 6.1% in Aug. 2008, according to The Center for American Progress, the corporate world doesn’t look so stable. If you are thinking about starting your own business, now is the prefect time to do your research, see what’s happening in your potential industry and fill the voids. There are unlimited resources out there [...]

19 11, 2008

Identify what you love to do.

By |2023-02-07T02:13:05+00:00November 19, 2008|business, entrepreneurship, Linda Kick, Our CupCakery, passions|Comments Off on Identify what you love to do.

Turn your avocation into a vocation, and you’ll never “work” another day. While this is advice you’ve no doubt heard before, the real test is identifying what it is you love to do. Sometimes it can be too obvious, making it even harder to recognize. I suggest spending some time alone—time to soul search without the distractions of daily life. Then, think about how you like to spend your time when nothing else interferes. Write down some ideas. Brainstorm with people who are close to you and know you well. And be creative. Transforming what you love to do into an idea for a business isn’t always easy. Linda Kick, founder of Our CupCakery in Dublin, Ohio, is a former teacher and manager who left education to pursue her passion for baking. According to Linda, it all started with the Easy-Bake Oven she received as [...]

28 10, 2008

Rally your troops around a clear vision statement

By |2023-02-07T02:13:52+00:00October 28, 2008|business, Sandy Clary, Vision statement|Comments Off on Rally your troops around a clear vision statement

It all begins with a vision statement, and if you’re a business owner—or you plan to start your own business—you need a vision statement. Fortunately, a strong vision statement typically consists of only one sentence. Begin with three vision words or adjectives that you readily and easily associate with your vision for the business. Define them, write them down and then keep them handy. They are the building blocks for your company’s vision statement. Sandy Clary, founder of Columbus, Ohio-based Clary Communications, masterfully developed a vision for her company when she started her public relations business back in 1983. By putting the vision in writing, both she and her employees were able to stay focused and on task. Perhaps most important, Sandy made sure that creating the vision statement was a team process. That only makes sense, according to Sandy, since team member involvement in [...]

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